Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Philadelphia Weatherperson's Week 2011

In honor of National Weatherman's Day, which is today, we at thought we would kick it up a notch and make next week Philadelphia Weatherperson's Week, honoring a number of forecasters and meteorologists from around Philadelphia.   That means Brick Tamland is eliminated from consideration (sorry) but we think that the lineup for next week is quite a bit more talented and star-studded, with better hair!

The idea of the week came about through one of those 4 AM epiphanies that popped into my mind.   Why not? We spend the better part of the year talking about their forecasts, their hits and misses, so why couldn't we just interview them and find out something unusual, different, or unique about them?   Over the course of the next several days, we'll highlight one forecaster or meteorologist in Philadelphia, whether it be someone from TV, radio, or one who gets paid thanks to your tax dollars.  These weatherpeople range from weekends to mornings, weekends to government.    The cool part is we'll leave you hanging as to our lineup but expect one weatherperson to be highlighted daily, weather permitting of course, starting tomorrow.

We're excited about it -- it was a fun project and should give you some insight...and common themes, especially regarding the ingredients necessary to become a forecaster or meteorologist.   We hope you enjoy the coming profiles and I want to a thank you to everyone who took time to talk with us over the past couple of weeks.   Your time was valuable and we appreciate the opportunity to learn more about you and the insight to what you all do.

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