Senin, 10 Januari 2011


Just finished hours of live television hits, so the mind is a bit mushy at the moment.

For the Triad and Triangle folks, this has been painful to watch, but not really unexpected. The air was extremely dry, and it takes a while to moisten that up. All along, you knew amounts would generally taper off as you went farther north and east. There appears to be a boundary aloft near the NC/SC line, and heavier precip has had a really tough time making it north of that.

With all of that said, the short-term models are adamant that the best lift (and therefore best snow chances) will not roll into central NC until this afternoon. So, I will let the accumulation map ride (what's the point in changing now anyway) and see how it pans out. As I mentioned in the comment section, the largest bust potential is probably in the northern foothills, but I would not completely throw the towel in yet. Let's let the system play out, and then we will see how good or bad everything went.

I am very happy for the folks in the Upstate and into the Charlotte metro that have done well thus far with this system. That area has received the short end of the stick seemingly countless times over the past few seasons, so I am happy those folks got a good snow.

All right, for those that are seeing the precip they want....congrats! For those that wind up short-changed.....we will try again next time.

What a fun winter season this has been thus far!

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